Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Transitioning to a more sustainable society

As a society, we are becoming better at identifying unsustainable practices and processes, however it is extremely unclear how we can make the transition to a more sustainable society, despite some ambitious attempts by people such as Tim Jackson. Here are some other approaches:

The Transition Response (via Kath Williams). Finally something that at least mentions gardens and horticulture! This does pose some interesting questions related to corporate sustainability, such as how the behaviour of corporations affects the resilience of the communities they operate in, and how they are planning to operate in a world without cheap fossil fuel. Also, this is a TED talk, and there is a TEDx event as part of the Sustainable Urbanisation conference in February.  


Or there is always the revolution...

The University of Strategic Optimism (via Crooked Timber)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Sustainability and corporate reputations

A confidentiality clause is used to hide the name of the bank funding a coal fired power station. The bank apparently also recently won a Dow Jones Sustainability Index award. via Rooted

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Company sustainability - self published information

I came across this page of sustainability info by Gyprock (while trying to work out how to cut cornice) - may be worth compiling some info from a few corporate websites to start getting a handle on how companies are positioning themselves, and what metrics, indicators and regulations they refer to.